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Who am I?

 I'm Pia, a passionate scientific illustrator based in Switzerland. Besides traveling and a fascination for the ocean life, I am also interested in various topics like archeology, zoology, botanology and many more.

What do I do?

My mission is to translate the beauty and complexity of the natural world into captivating visual representations.

Education & Work experience

2024 - 2026

-Master of Arts, Design with a focus on Knowledge Visualization, ZhDK, Switzerland

2021 - 2024

-Bachelor of Arts, Design with a focus on Scientific Illustration,

HSLU DFK, Switzerland

2020 - 2021

-Preliminary Course, HSLU DFK, Switzerland

August 2024 - today

-Scientific Illustrator, Permanent Employment, Kantonsarchäologie Luzern

August 2023 - June 2024

-Scientific Illustrator, Freelancer,

Kantonsarchäologie Luzern

May 2023 - July 2023

-Scientific Illustrator, Internship,

Kantonsarchäologie Luzern

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© by Pia Weintögl

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